Compost Covers

Covered Aerated Static Pile Composting (CASP)
Micropore compost covers are specifically designed for the aerated static pile (ASP) composting technology having the right porosity (7-12 cfm/ydaverage) to closely match the oxygen demand characteristics of the organic feedstock material.  The Stedair®  Compost Covers also maintain an optimum environment in a pile by controlling temperature and moisture during the active composting phase.

Stedair® compost covers control over 90% of VOC emissions and odors
 while allowing moisture vapor to pass through the cover.

Video Courtesy of Perdue AgriRecycle
Video Courtesy of Perdue AgriSoil

Moisture management composting technology for process enhancement and emissions control.

The Stedair® Compost Cover comprises a trilaminate polyester fabric on each side of the ePTFE membrane.
The covers can be made in any dimension depending on the volume of the feedstock material and the length of time in the active composting phase.

Stedair® MOR  Micropore Compost Cover have the highest tensile strength, longest UV protection (UV 5000), and best warranty in the industry.

Covered Aerated Static Pile Composting (CASP